
[Michelau, March 22, 2019] It has been accomplished – ecsec GmbH proudly presents its certificate for Open eCard Version 1.3 received from the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). The so-called "Open eCard Library" is thus not only the worldwide first Open Source "eID-Kernel" for Android, but also the first and currently the only eID-Kernel certified by the BSI according to the Technical Guideline TR-03124 (eID-Client), which is available freely available as Open Source. The certificate, which has been issued without deficiencies in the conformity assessment report, is valid until 21st of February 2024.

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[Michelau, 13th of December 2018] Within the scope of the non-profit go.eIDAS initiative, the eID experts from ecsec GmbH have provided smart integration components for various platforms, which allow to integrate notified electronic identification systems (eID) into popular applications in less than two minutes. In order to accelerate the widespread adoption of eID in Europe and beyond, the "!" offer based on the award-winning and certified SkIDentity service will be extended until Easter 2019.

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[Michelau, 27th September 2018] Europe is awaiting a major milestone for trustworthy electronic identification: The cross-border recognition of notified electronic identification systems (eID) will start on 29th September 2018 across Europe. Against this background, leading European associations, projects and expert organisations in the sector of eID and trust joined forces to launch the non-profit go.eIDAS-Initiative today, which aims at supporting the widespread adoption of eID and trust services according to the eIDAS-Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.

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[Michelau, August 10th 2018] The countdown to the start of the EU-wide recognition of electronic identification means (eID) is entering its hot phase. From September 29th 2018 on, in exactly 50 days, the German eID card (Personalausweis), which has been notified on level of assurance "high" last year, will be recognized electronically in all EU Member States. To facilitate the eID usage across Europe, SkIDentity now offers “!”.

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[Berlin, March 22nd 2018] Within the scope of today‘s “eIDAS Summit“, taking place at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, ecsec has presented an important innovation: From now on the German electronic Identity (eID) card, commonly known as “Personalausweis”, can not only be used for strong authentication and highly secure identification, but also for the generation of advanced electronic signa-tures in compliance with relevant European and international standards.

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