
[Lichtenfels, Germany, 2024/06/04] To support the sovereign, interoperable and trustworthy implementation of the recently enacted “European Digital Identity Framework”, the non-profit go.eIDAS Association joined forces with selected partners including C&S Computer und Software GmbH, Eclipse Foundation, eco Association, ecsec GmbH, moveID project, msg systems ag, OSB Alliance, Sovereign Cloud Stack project and the TEAM-X project in order to successfully launch the eIDAS-Testbed (https://test.eID.AS), which aims at fostering sovereignty, interoperability and trust for digital identities in Europe and beyond.

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[Michelau, 5th October 2021] After the recent publication of an “eID-Login” App for Nextcloud and an "eID-Login" Plugin for WordPress, ecsec GmbH was once again working on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in order to develop an "eID-Login" extension for TYPO3, which has now been published under an Open Source license. In connection with the SkIDentity service, the German eID card can now be used free of charge in all TYPO3-based web applications for strong authentication at the frontend.

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[Michelau, 24th August 2021] After the recent publication of an “eID-Login” App for Nextcloud, ecsec GmbH was once again working on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in order to develop an „eID-Login“ Plugin for the freely available and market-leading WordPress Content Management System (CMS), which has now been published under an Open Source license. In connection with the SkIDentity service, the German eID card can now be used free of charge in all WordPress-based websites for strong authentication.

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[Michelau, 23 June 2021] ecsec GmbH developed the “eID-Login” App for Nextcloud on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) and published it now under an Open Source License. This is the first time the German eID is integrated with a mainstream platform. Thanks to the SkIDentity service, which is provided without fee for the project, the German eID card can now be used free of charge for strong authentication in Nextcloud.

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[Michelau, 27th of March 2019] Deutsche Post AG has joined the Open eCard Community. The leading German logistics company has integrated the recently certified Open eCard Library from the ecsec GmbH in order to enable the highly secure and mobile identification with the German eID card “Personalausweis” directly within the POSTIDENT App. As a result, the electronic identification can now be carried out conveniently within the smartphone.

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